'Packaging gift box' Wholesale supply of comb box best-selling products

'Packaging gift box' Wholesale supply of comb box best-selling products

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Boxwood: since ancient times is the preferred comb. (Wood 36 volumes) contains: 'World heavy yellow poplar, its no fire', 'its wood tight, for comb, cut out, India the best', heat, dampness, detoxification Modern medicine found that its containing chrysin (CH18H21N03), can inhibit fungal growth, resulting in a better anti-itch scraping after combing (see "Medical Herald" 93-2).

Boxwood is a tropical, temperate more common evergreen plants, China's southeast coast, southwest and other places have a wide distribution.Total species are 4 genera and more than 100. For evergreen shrubs or small trees (this is now known as Yellowish wood, wood yellow, texture, tough, delicate texture, moderate hardness, no brown eyes, long growing season, no aniseed, boxwood growth is very slow, winter flowering, spring to knot, generally grow Four to five years to grow to 3-5 meters high, less than 15 cm in diameter, so there are 'millennium hard long boxwood', 'Millennium boxwood difficult to make' (musical instruments in a beat) argument. Song Su Shi: 'vulgar said, one-year-old boxwood one inch old, the case of leap back three inches' Therefore, the 'millennium dwarf' that, with the age-old, the color will be shallow by the shallow According to "Compendium of Materia Medica" (wood 36 volumes) contains: 'World heavy yellow poplar, with its fire-free', 'the wood', the wood of the world's best, Modern medicine found that its containing chrysin (CH18H21N03), can inhibit fungal growth, resulting in a better anti-itch anti-chip after the anti-itching effect, the effect of anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, anti- Boxwood is a medicinal wood, often combing hair will have a good health effect! Authentic boxwood combs from the open to the finished product, a wooden comb to go through 28 processes, which is very particular about the carving, Grinding, and other processes required by the traditional process can only be completed by the production method. A whole processing into the boxwood comb, the price from ten dollars (9 cm) to several hundred dollars (20 cm) range, the price is in accordance with the development The length of the comb and the ease of processing are standard, and the number is limited!

Common comb to promote health